Differentiation needs to be done in all content-area classrooms. All students will not be on the exact same level, so us as teachers will need to differentiate our instruction as well as the activities that we give them. Differentiating in content area classes are not just for students that are struggling. It is also for those students that are gifted. Like stated in the video, we as teachers can use differentiate to give more low-level questions and activities to those that need it while also giving higher, more critical thinking questions to those students who can handle them.
In the video, the teacher used more technology and pictures with vocabulary as a differentiation tool. This can help all students be more successful and better understand the material. The use of technology in the classroom will keep all students more engaged and motivated to learn the material when compared to sitting in their desk listening to the teacher lecture or doing worksheets all class. The use of technology can also be very useful as a differentiation tool in science classes because if each student has their own computer, each student can have their own reading that is on their reading level and an assignment that is both engaging and at the right level for them to be able to complete and learn from. The use of pictures with the vocabulary words is helpful for all students too because most students will remember a vocabulary word better if they also see a picture of it or an example of it, instead of just the written word. These are just some examples of differentiation in content-area classes. Differentiation can come in all different forms, but is helpful to the success of all students.
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